Thursday, October 30, 2014

Haiku 10 - Ignorance

To be a bliss and to revel in its stupidity
To be a jest and wear that cap like a crown

Haiku 9 - Indifference

When conversations are not entertained
Indifference becomes your new mode

Haiku 8 - Pain

Pain is a bridge that you walk
To reach the colored rainbows of knowledge

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Haiku 7 - Dog

God's gift, man's boon
Unlimited licks, limited expectations

Haiku 6 - Love

To give everything and expect nothing
To lose it, and still keep smiling.

Haiku 5 - Win or Loss

Stakes everything to win
Wins everything to lose

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Haiku 4 - Rage

Lost everything, gained nothing
Like time, I cannot take it back.