Thursday, July 27, 2006

It rained that day...

I waited in the park for long
She wanted me to be there
I watched the cranes fly back
even they wanted to get home before it is dark
As for me, i could wait the whole night for her
and then ,from the shadows of a dark evening
she emerged ,as lovely as ever
i checked the red rose inside my jacket's pocket
it was as alive and fragrant as it was before
she approached me with that ever beautiful smile
and asked me whether she was late
i lied to her that she was right on time
better late than never, right?
i looked into her lovely brown eyes
the naughty glitter was always there
i zipped my jacket down half way through
took the bloody red rose in my hand
leaned towards her extending it to her.
i said "For u, in the name of my love"
She took it in her hands
i had my eyes fixed on hers
she looked at me and said"yes ,I do love u"
A single tear appeared in my eye
the skies grew darker.
was it the dusk or the clouds?
we had our eyes locked
broken by a abrupt loud thunder
and then the heavens showered on us
their wishes and their tears
Yes, it rained that day!!!
we ran for the covers
our hands locked in a clasp
we got under the tree
we waited there for the skies to pour off
the grip never getting any loose
she looked at me
her eyes telling me, it is getting late
i told her i'd walk her home.
by then the downpour turned into a drizzle
we walked hand in hand along the roadside
how romantic, it rained that day!!!
And then playing spoilsport
the alarm started ringing
with my roommate screaming at me to shut it down
I got up from my slumber
scampered for my mobile and shutdown the alarm
I looked out of the windows
wishing the dream would be true
The sky was dark and it started pouring
dejavu!!!,and it is raining today too
Yes,it was a dream too good to be true
but, it rained that day...


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